The Dopamine/Prolactin Seesaw between Time and Timelessness

(Gillian, 2020) Although dopamine is often thought of as the reward neurotransmitter, its hormonal nemesis prolactin is actually the one associated with the satisfaction that accompanies sleep, exercise, sex, pregnancy, and breast-feeding. Dopamine seems to be more closely linked to anticipatory desire than to the satisfaction of that desire, hence its role in motivation. Just … Continue reading The Dopamine/Prolactin Seesaw between Time and Timelessness

Tracing the Structures of the Cosmos Workshop May 1, 10 am – 1 pm

As Above, So Below. Using embodied and geometrical exercises, this workshop will explore fractals, Fibonacci, the flower of life, and spirals as patterns that appear across scales, from the outer reaches of the cosmos to the inner reaches of our bodies. Kerri Welch, Ph.D. teaches math and physics for creatives at California Institute of Integral … Continue reading Tracing the Structures of the Cosmos Workshop May 1, 10 am – 1 pm

Sacred Geometry: Now Enrolling

Course Description: Symmetries, the Fibonacci sequence, the Golden Mean, and fractals emerge over and over again in plants, animals, crystals, coastlines, religion, art, architecture, music, literature, and economics, etc. Noticing and replicating nature’s recurring patterns have fascinated humans for millennia. Students will learn to identify, understand, and create these types of patterns through curated readings, … Continue reading Sacred Geometry: Now Enrolling

Sacred Geometry Course Enrolling Now!

Course Description:Symmetries, the Fibonacci sequence, the Golden Mean, and fractals emerge over and over again in plants, animals, crystals, coastlines, religion, art, architecture, music, literature, and economics, etc. Noticing and replicating nature’s recurring patterns have fascinated humans for millennia. Through curated readings, videos, independent research, fieldwork, discussion, creative and geometrical exploration students will learn to … Continue reading Sacred Geometry Course Enrolling Now!

A Fractal Topology of Time

This book will challenge how you think about time. Physics describes time as spatialized, static, and reversible, while we experience time as textured, flowing, and unidirectional. Reconciling these two perspectives demands a richer understanding of time. No model is better suited to capture time’s quantitative and qualitative aspects than the cyclicity, creativity, and infinite depths of fractals.

Free Live Stream: The Texture of Time: Fractal Time and Astrological Cycles

From the cycling cosmos overhead, to the ebb and flow of churning creeks, to sleeps, blinks, breaths, heartbeats, and fleeting thoughts, we exist amidst a vast range of timescales. We burn at a controlled 98 degrees Fahrenheit, an organized flow of energy, standing still in a moving stream. Here, we create time, with all its loops and twists, hurries and sighs, ploddings and alacrities, magic and misery. This lecture will wind a path through the realms of philosophy, modern physics, neurochemistry, and astrology, exploring what science can tell us about how time emerges through a consciousness in, and of, the cosmos.